Academic Council

  • This Institute being Autonomous Institute of the State government, the academic autonomous is imparted in the matters, of curriculum, academic programme and examinations.
  • The Academic issues are governed and reviewed by the academic Council of the Institution which is chaired by the Regional Joint Director of Technical education, SVU region Tirupati. The members are Secretary or nominee from state board of Technical education, Vijayawada. The nominee from office of the commissioner of Technical Education, Vijayawada, Professor, NITTTR, Two subject experts, Head of section and Principal as convener.
  • The academic committee is convened to discuss time to time to review and key assessment of academic performance and to impart suggestions.
  • The curriculum is reviewed and approved by the academic committee whenever new curriculum is designed and upgraded.
  • Any academic issues are discussed and decisions are taken for the benefit of students academic performance.
  • The academic committee resolutions are implemented to achieve the academic excellence and expertise of students and also teaching staff.
2. MOHAMMAD Head of Textile Technology Convener
3. SAILAJA Administrative officer Member
4. VENKATESWARULU Lecturer in Textile Technology Member
5. LAKSHMI JYOTHI Lecturer in Textile Technology Member